Monday, December 8, 2008

Weekend at Murphys...

This weekend, Rich and I left Zack for the first time overnight (at the same time, anyways). My sweet sister Colleen was great and agreed to take Zack overnight so that we could get away with our friends for the weekend. For those of you that don't know, my best friend Heather and Rich's best friend Brian (a.k.a. "Barnes") married each other this past summer. To thank us for our help with the wedding, they took us to Murphys, CA for some time away and great wine tasting. Murphys is a lot like Nevada City, with one main street of shopping...only Murphys has wine tasting all up and down the street mixed in with the novelty shops. I can't even tell you how many wine cellars we went that a bad sign? :) We had an amazing time with our friends. It was JUST what Rich and I needed.
The newlyweds :)

Having lunch at the Historic Murphy Hotel.

Murphys downtown park

Look out, Barnes...your wife is hittin' on another man!

Nice red face, Karyn. Lil' too much wine???

I loved this picture of him.

Sunday, we went to Jackson to go antique shopping.


The Rameys said...

Looks like you had a great time, and got some great pictures! Glad to hear that you were able to get away and enjoy some time with some great friends.

Becky said...

I love antique shopping in Jackson! It's such a fun old town.

Melissa said...

Looks like fun! It's so nice to get away for a few days here and there and it's especially fun to share it with friends:) Cute pictures.