Tuesday, December 23, 2008

The greatest Christmas present...

Jess and her dad Roger came to visit us for Christmas and were able to stay with us overnight last night. We had a nice dinner, a great visit, then were able to go out for breakfast this morning before they had to go back to Southern California. Jess is 6 months along with baby Delaney and is as beautiful as ever. Zack was able to see his Grandpa Roger for the first time, which was so special!

Zack really liked Grandpa Roger's bald head :)

Jess helping Zack open his Christmas presents.

Bath time!

Thank you, Jess and Roger, for making the long drive to see us. I truly appreciated being able to spend time with our family.



Merry Christmas Speakman Family!

roger said...

Thank you guys for having us! I think I'm used to being called grandpa now. I am no shopper (I'm a man) but I had the best time taking Zac for a tour of Target. We touched everything! You rally made this Christmas memorable! "For unto us a child is born!"
"Grandpa" Roger