Monday, December 29, 2008

Michelle and family...

I took my cute friend Michelle and her family out for a photo shoot yesterday. I had so much fun! Rich is slowly, but surely, teaching me how to do more on Photoshop. I'm a work in progress, but I have to say more than excited about these pictures and how the finished product turned out. I took my niece Kyrie out today, but I'm going to try to do the editing on those myself, so I won't be posting those for a while (because I'm SLOW). :)

I love how natural she looks in this one :) Good job, Michelle!

Haylee ATE THIS UP! I told her I'd like to take some more pics. of her...I loved how she wasn't afraid to climb things or get dirty...I love that.

Michelle is an incredible mom and I tried hard to capture the love she has for her kids.

This is Michelle's "adopted" son, Dustin. What a trooper! This kid always had a smile on his face. What a great personality (although, we DID have to Photoshop a HICKEY off of his neck! Ha!).

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