We've had a fun last couple of days. On Friday, Zack and I went to my brother Clint's to have a play date with Cal while AM was in school. The little boys love to play together and, for the most part, get along really well (for toddlers!).
Snack time!
Hide-and-go-seek in the pantry.
"Where'd Cal go?"
"There he is!"
My brother is a wonderful dad.
AM and Uncle Barnes arm wrestling.
The last day of this long, shaggy hair! I have yet to take pics. of his new "do" though.
Friday night, we surprised AM by inviting our nieces over for a sleep-over. They had fun with a water balloon fight, pizza and movie, then they all crashed out.
Rich and I have been happily in love since 2000. After unsuccessfully trying to have kids, I was diagnosed with ovarian cancer and, therefore, we cannot have biological children. We adopted our son Zack through a private adoption from a family member. We hope to someday grow our family further, but for now, we are soaking up every second with our little man. We are also foster parents, which can be both very rewarding and very challenging...but we do our best. We are currently in the process of adopting "Lil' Baby" from the foster system. We've been blessed to have both of our children since they were one day old.
"Every happening, great or small, is a parable by which God speaks to us...and the art of life is to get the message."
~ Malcolm Muggeridge
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