Friday, May 1, 2009

Kaitlyn's softball team...

A few nights ago, I was asked by my brother to come take pics. of his team "Sutter Buttes Thunder" for KKCY radio station's website. This team was nominated for a good sportsmanship award...and, boy, do they deserve it! These girls were such team players and so encouraging to each other while I was there. What a great team :) To make things even better, they won their game that night!

My niece Kaitlyn (right) and her "twin", Olivia. Olivia and Kaitlyn look SO much alike, but they aren't even related!

Kaitlyn and Ashley, the two pitchers for the team.

I couldn't NOT post this one - - I think this little girl is the cutest thing EVER :)

Kasey and Alex (nephews), sharin' a hot dog.

My brother pepping the team for their game that's about to start.

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