Just wanted to fill you all in on how things are going. Please keep in mind that we have to be extremely careful what information we post on this blog, due to the sensitive nature of the situation we're in.
We picked up our kiddo (I will refer to him as "AM") on Sunday afternoon. He is the sweetest little boy! He is adjusting well to our home and has been WONDERFUL with Zack. Especially due to some of the issues this child has experienced, we do not let him out of our sight and he is not left with Zack for any amount of time alone. He, for the most part, has great manners and is very affectionate. He tells us all the time how much he loves being here with us and he love us. He is very needy for attention and approval from both Rich and I, which we are more than willing to offer him. We're slowly but surely implementing a good schedule for him, so he feels as if he has some structure to hold on to. There are several behavioral things we are working with him on (i.e. wandering off when he becomes anxious, disrespecting property, not listening and "egging" people on, etc.).
I enrolled him in school on Monday and he started yesterday. He has an incredible teacher and I am so thankful that God placed him in her class. She is comforting for him and seems to be empathetic to his struggles and is willing to work with him in any way necessary. She has also been of comfort to me, since we have never had a school-aged child and are new to all of this.
We have a meeting with AM's social worker tomorrow from the agency and I am hoping to get some much needed answers. We should be able to discuss the time frame that we should expect to have him in our home and it will give AM the opportunity to express all of the concerns he has (and there are MANY).
I have to say, in reading all of the books I have read on foster care, I was always able to somehow disconnect myself from the sad situations that were described in the books I read. However, now that I am faced with caring for one of those same types of children that I read about, it has added a whole new dimension to my awareness. The things this kid talks about...the stories he tells...the things he thinks are "normal"...it's nothing short of heartbreaking. I haven't slept well since he's been here - - I toss and turn all night worrying about HIS worries and all the anxieties he has. It's all I can do not to break down and cry when he's around, so while he was at school today, that's all I did. I took my time grieving over the things he has seen and experienced. Now I'm finished and I'm moving on to doing my part of caring for him while he's in this transitional period. I will never forget what he said to us the minute we met him..."You're here!?!?! I've been waiting for you!"
We picked up our kiddo (I will refer to him as "AM") on Sunday afternoon. He is the sweetest little boy! He is adjusting well to our home and has been WONDERFUL with Zack. Especially due to some of the issues this child has experienced, we do not let him out of our sight and he is not left with Zack for any amount of time alone. He, for the most part, has great manners and is very affectionate. He tells us all the time how much he loves being here with us and he love us. He is very needy for attention and approval from both Rich and I, which we are more than willing to offer him. We're slowly but surely implementing a good schedule for him, so he feels as if he has some structure to hold on to. There are several behavioral things we are working with him on (i.e. wandering off when he becomes anxious, disrespecting property, not listening and "egging" people on, etc.).
I enrolled him in school on Monday and he started yesterday. He has an incredible teacher and I am so thankful that God placed him in her class. She is comforting for him and seems to be empathetic to his struggles and is willing to work with him in any way necessary. She has also been of comfort to me, since we have never had a school-aged child and are new to all of this.
We have a meeting with AM's social worker tomorrow from the agency and I am hoping to get some much needed answers. We should be able to discuss the time frame that we should expect to have him in our home and it will give AM the opportunity to express all of the concerns he has (and there are MANY).
I have to say, in reading all of the books I have read on foster care, I was always able to somehow disconnect myself from the sad situations that were described in the books I read. However, now that I am faced with caring for one of those same types of children that I read about, it has added a whole new dimension to my awareness. The things this kid talks about...the stories he tells...the things he thinks are "normal"...it's nothing short of heartbreaking. I haven't slept well since he's been here - - I toss and turn all night worrying about HIS worries and all the anxieties he has. It's all I can do not to break down and cry when he's around, so while he was at school today, that's all I did. I took my time grieving over the things he has seen and experienced. Now I'm finished and I'm moving on to doing my part of caring for him while he's in this transitional period. I will never forget what he said to us the minute we met him..."You're here!?!?! I've been waiting for you!"
Praying for you and "AM" as you transition into life as a family of four. Let me know if I can do anything for you! Love you!
Love the last part of this blog Karyn, it gave me chills.
Remember what I said to you the other day. God placed this little boy in your care for a purpose. I have SO MUCH admiration for you and Rich for stepping up and taking this child into your home and your hearts. And I know that you have the support of many others as well!
And crying for him is what makes you such an amazing woman!!! :)
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