Saturday, November 29, 2008

Big changes...

After keeping my brother's three kids for a few days last week, Rich and I began talking about how nice it was to have the house busy with children and how it would be nice to have siblings for Zack. Although we decided we are not ready for the commitment of another adoption at this time, we have decided to pursue our certification to become foster parents. We have yet to choose an agency, as we need to find the right one for our family, but we intend on choosing and beginning the process soon. We agreed that we both want an agency that does both foster care AND foster adoption (some only do one or another), so that we can change our course of action when the timing is right. Please pray for us in this new venture for our family. We are excited to learn how we can help families get back on their feet and we are confident that it will be a great experience for our family!


palmerfamily said...

OMG.... NO WAY!!! I totally got goose bumps reading this! I knew your heart would find its way. I am sooo happy for you guys! I know this will be such a wonderful experienece for you and your family. You have been given the gift, and you will use it in the best way possible, to help others! I am sooo excited to follow you on this journey.

Sarah said...

That is wonderful news Rich and Karyn! I am thrilled to hear it! Two running around is alot more noise... and alot more love and joy! It is amazing watching the love develop between Daniel & Naomi and I was not prepared for that... it is beyond words! Precious! I am so happy for this news! :) Happy Thanksgiving! :)
Love you guys!
The Houstons!

Melissa said...

That is amazing news. How exciting!! Keep us updated on the progress. Hope to see you Thursday:)

The Abbe Family Journey said...

What great news. We wish you all the best!!

jacqualine said...

Hi Karen, Zack is getting so big. The possiblity of Zack having a sibling is awesome. I am sure that God will send just the right child for all three of you to love and share life with.