Just look how tiny our little "Pumpkin" was just one year ago! Last year at this time, we were working through colic (not fun). This year, we are dealing with all new adventures in toddler-hood :)
Getting ready to carve the pumpkin that we picked out at Bishop's Pumpkin Farm.

Bailey doing quality control and making sure it's a good enough pumpkin for OUR "pumpkin" :)
Givin' lovin's to his pumpkin.

He kept giving kisses to his pumpkin too...it was so cute :)

He wanted to eat the pumpkin guts, so we compromised on just smelling them.

Doin' a good job, Daddy. You keep working and I'll sit here and eat my fish crackers while I supervise."

He REALLY wanted to eat the pumpkin guts, so he started putting his fish crackers in the "gut bucket" and then eating them. So creative.

"That's slimy, Mom!"
Notice his gaping mouth? He couldn't believe that the pumpkin had all of that stuff inside of it.

Zacky...I see you trying to put that pumpkin seed in your mouth! Don't eat the pumpkin!"

Taking a break to eat dinner while Daddy carves the pumpkin's face.
You can see his engineer mind a'workin'.

For Halloween, Zack dressed up as a "Future
Rockstar". We've been letting his hair grow for the last two months to fit the costume.

All of our kids dressed up and ready for some candy!
Zack (Rockstar), Kyrie (Raggedy Anne), Kasey (Rambo), Kaitlyn (Dead Pirate), Shea (Hannah Montana), AJ (The Grim Reaper) and Alex (Indiana Jones).

"I gotta go, Mom. They're calling me on stage."

Kate did such a good job on the makeup!

"Mom, I don't have time for pictures. I've got a show to do."

The cutest little Rambo I've ever seen :)
What a great costume! I love the tatoos! It looks like you had a great time!
Can't wait to see you this week!
SOOOO Cute Karyn! Great costume! I love his expression when he realized all the gross stuff inside the pumpkin! So sweet! :)
I swear I've seen that Jack-O-Lantern face somewhere before...
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