What a weekend! We had our annual Combo family camping trip to MacKerricher in Fort Bragg. Rich and I haven't been able to go for the past three years because of work, so it was great to be able to be a part of that again. Rich had to spray the Sac. Airport late Thursday night and he leaves for work around 3 or 4am, so we didn't see each other for a few days. It was nice to do something fun as a family over the weekend. In between packing for the trip on Friday morning, I took Zack to "Ralph the Barber" for a much needed hair cut...he was getting pretty shaggy. Ralph was the barber that cut my dad's hair for about 30 years, so it was sweet to be able to take him there. Zack did really well, but was not a big fan of the moose and wild boar heads hanging on the wall. He kept looking at them, whining and clinging tightly to my shirt.

Pre-hair cut #3
The TomTom says it takes over 5 hours, yet it really takes about 3 1/2...that is, unless you're traveling with Zack! He screamed and fussed and yelled almost the entire way. I wore earplugs.
Rich getting Zack ready for his first night of sleeping in a tent. Zack hasn't slept in our room since he was about 5 1/2 months old, so the first night in the tent with us was a little tough. The pack-n-play didn't fit in our tent, so he had to sleep in bed with us and he thought it was PARTY TIME! He wanted to wrestle and play the drums on our airbed. Right when he'd start to doze off, he'd pull his paci out and start yelling, "Dadda-Dadda-Dadda!!!" "No, Zack...it's not time to play. Now go to sleep." The second night he was so worn out, he slept like a dream!

Goodnight Grandma!

He LOVES his Grandma Sally!
Rich (and Dillon Dog - - Kate and Mike's dog)

"Higher, Daddy! Higher!" I love this new camera!

Shea givin' Zack some lovin's.
Me and my nutty sisters...Colleen and Kate.
Trying on some funky glasses with Shea...Shea picked out mine, but I actually kind of liked them :)
Mom and Rich got the beer sampler at North Coast Brewery...another family tradition.

Baby Cal went camping too!

The Hedley kids...AJ (10), Shea (6) and Alex (3)
Look at how happy they are!

My brother Clint and his baby Cal. He is such a great Daddy.
Trying out the new camera at MacKerricher.

First time to the beach! He didn't want to stay long because he wanted to go back to camp for a bottle, but it was fun while it lasted.

I always knew he'd be a good dad, but he just amazes me every day.

Cal and his mommy Tara. Rich was playing around with the camera around the campfire and started taking pictures of Tara and Cal...not knowing from the angle he was sitting at that she was breastfeeding! This was right after we all realized what he was doing. Needless to say, THOSE pics. were deleted :) Sorry, Tara.

This was at the pier after dinner...and just before Zack had diarrhea all over himself, me AND Rich. Not fun. What an experience that was!

Cal learning to defend himself. "I'll show YOU to throw toys at me!"
AJ and his dog, Lucky.
Colleen, Cal and Alex.
I swear, this boy has issues with wearing clothes! Alex...1/2 naked even when it's cold.
Angie and Bill....so in love! They are Colleen's in-laws. Angie and her parents (Grandma GG and Grandpa) were just a few campsites away from ours.

Ten Mile Beach
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