We celebrated Zack's first 4th of July this weekend! We did the annual family BBQ at Kevin's house, then watched as my brother (the pyromaniac) tried to light himself on fire by putting on the fireworks show for us. Zack had a lot of fun playing with Cal, then Steph brought Cristian over for him to play with too!
"What, Daddy? I SWEAR I wasn't putting stuff in my mouth. Honest!"
He wants to walk, but doesn't like the idea of standing on his own and possibly falling.
Steph and Cristian. Cristian loved the fireworks!

Saturday, I went to the airport to pick up Heather & Barnes from their honeymoon. We wanted to catch up today, so they had us come over to their apartment for some swimming.

Oh! I almost forgot...we had QUITE the experience yesterday with our little man. He learned to finger paint...and I'll give you one guess what he learned to finger paint WITH! That's right!!! His poo! I wasn't thinking clearly and put him down for a nap in a diaper since it was pretty warm here yesterday. About 10 minutes into the nap, I heard him playing in his crib, so I decided to go in and lay him back down...I really wanted him to have a good nap since I had to go to the airport that evening. I walked in and he was standing in his crib with no diaper on, jumping up and down laughing. There was poo everywhere! On his hands, on his face, in his hair, on his stuffed animal, on his blanket, up and down the sides of his crib, on the music player...EVERYWHERE! I yelled for Rich - - his first reaction was, "What the hell happened in here!?!?!" He cleaned poo off of Zack in the bath and I cleaned up the crib and did the laundry. Needless to say, we will never put him to sleep in just a diaper again! Oops!
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