Tuesday, May 8, 2007

There Is An Empty Room

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This is exactly what goes through my mind as I walk through our house and see the baby furniture and all the things in our home that are just waiting to be used. We're still waiting...

There Is An Empty Room

There is an empty room
In which no child sleeps;
Just a rocking chair, a teddy bear,
The baby clothes they keep.
It is a quiet room
With everything in place;
But no happy sighs or lullabies,
No child in their embrace.
There is an empty crib
In the corner, tucked away;
The gentle light of the moon shines bright
As they kneel by the crib to pray...
"Remove all bitter thoughts,
Your will is what we seek.
Dry our tears and calm our fears,
Lift us up, for we are weak."
There is an empty room
In which no child sleeps.
But they know the love of a Father above,
And His promises He keeps.

~ by Stephanie Garcia


Sarah said...

This is so true. My computer has been down this whole week! I just got your emails... we need to catch up!I will give you a call this weekend.
Love, Sarah H

Sarah said...

Thinking of the two of you today... Love, sarah H.

Stephanie said...

I am so glad the poem was a blessing to you. Poetry has been my "therapy" for as long as I can remember, but especially through the years of infertility and adoption.

God bless,
Stephanie Garcia