Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Our (borrowed) kids...

We look forward to the day when we will be able to share the love we have with a little one of our own. In the meantime, we are content in spending time with our nieces and nephews (and there are many!)...Destiny, Greyson, Kaitlyn, AJ, Kyrie, Aria, Shea, Alex and Kasey. There is another due in October of this year.

This is me and our niece Kaitlyn in Oregon for my brother's wedding.
Rich and I took Kaitlyn and Kyrie for a few days when my sister-in-law delivered our nephew Kasey. The girls and I spent a day discovering new trails at Bidwell Park.

This is our new nephew Kasey. He has bright red hair...definately a Combo!
Our niece Destiny recently decided to make me feel old by getting engaged. Her fiance Jon loves her so much. I was only 5 1/2 when Destiny was born, so in a way, we are a lot like sisters.

Aria is such a beautiful little girl. She is very compassionate and always wants to help, not to mention is she one of the smartest kids I know.
My nephew Greyson is a goofball - - gotta love him!

AJ loves it when I show him any kind of affection in public!

Shea loves her Uncle Rich!
Shea and Uncle Rich, dancing at the wedding.
The kids love having slumber parties at our house. Now we have a much bigger living room though! More space to spread out.
Me and Heather spent the day with Alex at Bidwell Park. He loved throwing rocks in the water, but he only liked to throw the really big ones that he could barely pick up. He's got a mean arm on him!
Alex cuddlin' with Uncle early in the morning at our old house.
Alex taking his bath after a sleepover at our house. He found Uncle's shaving cream!
We can't forget our newest addition, Miss Bailey. She keeps us up at night, she drools on us, and we have to clean up her "messes"...she's practically like having a child! We wouldn't trade her for the world though...well, I wouldn't at least. Rich may feel differently on that one!

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