Sunday, April 15, 2007


Two Women

Two women cry into the night,

their eyes are filled with tears.

Oh God why is this happening?

I need to feel you near.

One woman sits alone in the darkness,

Decisions she must make.

She wants to do what's best for the child,

It's life she cannot take.

The other woman clings to her mate

And she doesn't understand

why they can't have a child of their own

as so many others can.

These women come from different worlds.

Their lives are miles apart.

But God would deliver the pain they felt

and heal their broken hearts.

And then one precious morning

their lives became intertwined.

Both women's prayers were answered

as they felt God's plan unwind.

One woman touched her newborn's cheek

and whispered to the babe,

"Because I love you little one,

sacrifices I've made.

"With the strength she felt from heaven,

to the other woman she gave

the miracle of a baby

for her to love and raise.

The other woman looked down

at her precious baby's eyes

and thanked God for the woman

who had helped fulfill her life.

Two woman pray into the night

and thank the Lord above

for the opportunity he's given them

to feel a Mother's love.

©2006 by Lori Coleman

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful poem Karyn. God is so amazing. Keeping you, Rich, Baby Zack and "J" in our prayers. We love you and thank God for you each and every day.