Well, today was another busy day. We went to a wonderful church service with Jessica and her mom's family. We felt so much at home, as it was very similar to our church (same songs and everything) and the message was great.
Afterwards, Jess' mom and step-dad took us to lunch at a seafood place on the marina which had really great food. We walked around for quite a while and talked while looking at a marine wildlife center where they had a mock tide pool with live starfish and sea aneminies.
Jessica, Rich and I took a long walk on the beach and talked about everything under the sun. She and I are so alike in so many ways and we seem to be so comfortable with each other...more like sisters than second cousins.
Some friends of Jessica and Nicks had a BBQ tonight, so we spent the evening with them and their roommates, then went grocery shopping.
We'll be headed home tomorrow (Monday) around noon since Rich and I both have to work on Tuesday morning. We're going to pick Jessica and Nick up for breakfast before we leave town. We're making plans for the two of them to come to Yuba City for a week or so visit...that way they can meet and get to know our life as we've come to know theirs. I can't wait for that.
Please pray for a safe trip home. I think we're both a little anxious to sleep in our own bed (this hotel one isn't the greatest).
Here are some pictures from today's adventures - - I wish we would have remembered to take some at the beach (maybe tomorrow)...
Us and Jessica at the marine museum where you could overlook the ocean.

This is Jackie (Jessica's mom), Micah (Jessica's brother) and Jess. It was so nice to be able to spend so much time with my cousin Jackie - - she is such a sweet woman and a faithful believer...very encouraging to be around. Micah is one of the cutest, brightest boys I've ever met! He'll be an engineer some day.
This is Jessica's mom and step-dad (Scott). He makes a mean hamburger!
This is at the BBQ (Nick making his googly
eyes at me).
When we were grocery shopping, Jess picked out
a book for the baby. She liked it because the first
page reads, "Oh my baby, little one,
the hardest thing I do is hold you tight, then
let you go, and walk away from you."
the hardest thing I do is hold you tight, then
let you go, and walk away from you."
1 comment:
Prayers for a safe trip home! I am glad your weekend went so well! See you on Thurs!
Sarah H.
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