We wanted to have one last hoorah before the school year started for all of the kids, so last weekend we had a camp out in our back yard. There were about 14 people in all...three big tents, a camp fire, glow sticks, flashlights, and lots and lots of marshmallows. We all had so much fun! Rich and I skipped the tent. We blew up the air-bed and put up the pack-n-play in the yard, we sprayed ourselves well with bug spray and Rich, Zack and I slept under the stars. It was nothing short of wonderful!

Our nephew Cal...soon to be "big brother" to a little sister :)

Our niece Shea...soon to be a big 2nd grader!

One of my very best friends, Emily. Also, mom to Logan (Zack's best friend).

Logan :)

Our nephew Alex...soon to be starting kindergarten!

My brother Clint...soon to be "Daddy" again!

Logan and Zack. More interested in playing with the buckles on the booster seat than playing with the other kids.

My beautiful sister, Kate...the master camper!

Logan...or, as Zack calls him, "Gogie"

AM enjoying the camp out.

AJ, Alex and Cal.

Lovely static-cling hair from the tent.

Herbie...life of the party!

My goofy brother.

Zack loved having the family around!

He is SO handsome :)

S'MUPS. S'mores made with peanut butter cups. I'd rather stick with just the marshmallows, myself.

Fascinated by the fire.

Roasting martshmallows for the first time.

Playing "ni-night!"

Alex going to sleep.

AJ, getting me back for using the "flash" on my camera :)

AM, Kate and Shea hittin' the hay.

"Mmmmm! Mellows, Daddy!"

Pre-camp out...a picture of Zack throwing a tantrum in time-out.

NOT impressed with time-out.
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