Rich decided to take Friday off of work and turn his 3-day weekend into a 4-day weekend. We spent the entire time doing fun things as a family.
Friday, we spent the entire day in our PJ's, just lounging around the house and watching movies. In the evening, we had dinner at Heather and Brian's apartment, then headed downtown to the Centennial Celebration for Yuba City.
Saturday, we got up early and drove to Nevada City for the day. We walked around the downtown shops, had lunch at the Nevada City Cafe, then stopped at the mining museum to check out the river.

I love this man with all of my heart.

There is a really cool bridge at the mining museum. Rich and I used to have picnics on this bridge overlooking the river when we were dating.

"I'm gonna get you, Mama!"
We met a little friend along the way, too!
Zack and his Daddy headed to the river.
"Not TOO close to the water, Zacky."
Sunday morning, we woke up REALLY early, went to 8am service at our church and then went to Bishop's Pun'kin Farm with Heather and Brian. It's a family tradition for us to go every year (ever since before I can remember), but last year, Zack was only a few weeks old, so we didn't go. They've made so many improvements and changes - - I was very impressed. Zack was able to see and touch the baby animals, take his first hay ride, pick out his own pumpkin, have a cookie from their incredible bakery and take a ride on their train. Oh, and to top it all off, we ran into my brother and his family and Patti and Maddie too!
"I like this 'hay' stuff Mom. It's messy."
Heather and Brian
Rich's idea of "heaven" is BBQ'd turkey legs. Not only did he eat a whole one of his own, but he ate the majority of mine too. He couldn't have been more happy...
I loved how this calf refused to take her eye off of Zack. It was as if she were saying, "I don't trust you ONE BIT, kid."
I just loved how affectionate this cow was! Rich tried taking the camera and getting a very close-up picture of her and, all of a sudden, she reached her tongue around and licked him right across the face (the camera got slimed too!). If any of you know my husband, he IS NOT a fan of getting dirty in any way...let alone getting slimed by a cow.
Hay ride time! Let's go pick out our pun'kin!!!

Kevin and Kasey, getting ready to take a ride on the train.
Kaitlyn, Kasey and Kyrie

"Okay, honey...he's having a meltdown...I think it's time we head home."
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