On Sunday, we took Jess to Lincoln City, OR. We spent some time at the outlet stores, had some lunch and went to the beach to let Zack run around. This was the first time he's been to the beach since he started walking, so he was thrilled to be there! It was a beautiful day and the weather was perfect (72 degrees!).
He wasn't too happy that the water rushed up on his legs and started yelling at the water, so I had to explain to him that it was okay to get wet when you're at the beach.
Taking a break and letting Jess chase after him for a bit :)
My favorite picture of the day...
The funny thing is, Jess and I went to the beach together when she was just as far along in her pregnancy with Zack as she is with Delaney right now (about 5 months). Weird!
I love seeing them play together. She's going to be such a good mom!
How many people does it take to chase after Zack?
Awe...my sister...
We ended the day with an amazing sunset!
Visiting at cousin Mary Lou's house and saying goodbye to Jess.
Rich and I have been happily in love since 2000. After unsuccessfully trying to have kids, I was diagnosed with ovarian cancer and, therefore, we cannot have biological children. We adopted our son Zack through a private adoption from a family member. We hope to someday grow our family further, but for now, we are soaking up every second with our little man. We are also foster parents, which can be both very rewarding and very challenging...but we do our best. We are currently in the process of adopting "Lil' Baby" from the foster system. We've been blessed to have both of our children since they were one day old.
"Every happening, great or small, is a parable by which God speaks to us...and the art of life is to get the message."
~ Malcolm Muggeridge
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