On our way home, we stopped in Grants Pass, where my sister Christine and her family live. We had a nice lunch, then went to the park that sits right on the Rogue River.
I love my sister :)
The second time he tried to climb it, he was able to do it all by himself...all in the time it took me to run to the bathroom!
My beautiful niece Aria.
WELCOME TO CALIFORNIA!!! We stopped at the California Welcome Center in Anderson, CA to let Zack run around. Zack kept trying to kiss the California Grizzly :)
We went to South Silver Falls (the easier waterfall to hike) and hiked with Zack to show him his very first waterfall. It was tiring, but the fresh air was great! We were even able to hike behind the waterfall.
"I see you, Daddy!"
He fell asleep on our drive to see North Silver Falls. I've hiked that one before and knew it wasn't something we should take Zack to...it's about a 10 mile hike with very steep and narrow trails, so we just drove to it and looked at it from the road.
Rich and I have been happily in love since 2000. After unsuccessfully trying to have kids, I was diagnosed with ovarian cancer and, therefore, we cannot have biological children. We adopted our son Zack through a private adoption from a family member. We hope to someday grow our family further, but for now, we are soaking up every second with our little man. We are also foster parents, which can be both very rewarding and very challenging...but we do our best. We are currently in the process of adopting "Lil' Baby" from the foster system. We've been blessed to have both of our children since they were one day old.
"Every happening, great or small, is a parable by which God speaks to us...and the art of life is to get the message."
~ Malcolm Muggeridge