We know you've all been wondering how things are going...Jess ended up not getting induced yesterday, but she went into labor at 6:00am on her own. She was in labor for 22 very long hours and we are all mentally, physically and emotionally exhausted. Jess did such a wonderful job and we are so proud of her. Zack was finally born at 4:16am this morning, weighing 8 lbs., 6 oz. We are home now to rest and to let Jess rest, but will be going back to the hospital in a few hours. When we care for Zack at the hospital it will be in Jess room, so we respectfully ask that anyone that would like to visit him please wait until he is released from the hospital and at home with us. We appreciate all of your thoughts and prayers...now we're off to sleep! We will keep you as updated as we can. Please forgive us if we are behind in answering messages or e-mails or phone calls.
I am so excited for you all three of you!!! You bring tears to my eyes. Happy tears of course. Can't wait to meet him. Valerie.
I was so eager to hear any news that I think I may have checked your blog about 5 times since yesterday. And lo and behold today there are beautiful pictures posted. Yeah!!! Congratulations Speakman family. We are so excited for the 3 of you. We can't wait until Zack is at home so we can come visit and drop off the burpies to you. Congrats again.
We are so very excited for you. Zeke and I have been anxiously awaiting the news. We look forward to seeing him when he is in his home. God Bless. Joe, Sarah & Zeke
Congratulations! The pictures are very cute.
He is absolutely beautiful! All my most heartfelt wishes and blessings to you all!
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