Sunday, August 12, 2007


This weekend we attended two BBQ's at our friend's houses. Chrissy's birthday party on Saturday evening and my friend Sara's housewarming BBQ on Sunday afternoon.
Rich and me at Chrissy's. Rich is such a goof sometimes.

We were finally able to meet Chrissy's boyfriend Chris and he seems like an amazing person. We're so happy they found each if only he lived a little closer than Wisconsin!

My friend Jamie and me.

From Left: Jamie, Alexis, Chrissy and Chris.

Chrissy, Chris and Pais.

Hi Alexis!

Hanging out after the majority of the crowd had gone home. I think Jess was getting tired.

At the BBQ at Sara's, her son Jake was showing us his climbing skills, after calling me a butt monster and telling me he liked to be covered in poo. What can I say? He's going through a phase?

Sara and I have been friends since I was in college and I love her very much. She is such an amazingly strong woman.

Jess stealing Jake's swing at Sara's new house.

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