Since Rich had the weekend off, we packed a lot of fun into it. Saturday, Toyota sponsored the Gold Sox game, so we went with some friends and family to enjoy the game. Sunday, we met with my sister's family from Oregon and had dinner at John's Pizza in Roseville where we ran around with all the kids, riding rides and playing games. It was a tiring, but very fun weekend.
Colleen and Tony watching out for the fly ball.
A.J. being a good big brother and sharing his nachos with Alex.
Shea cuddling with her mommy.
Luis and Steph ducking out of the sun for a bit.
I love Jess' new haircut!
Since Toyota was sponsoring the game, Rich was designated to play one of the games in between innings. He won a free pizza!
Our friends Heidi and Chris and their little ones made it to the game too!
Alex rooting for the Gold Sox with his mommy.
Steph and Luis eating their snow cones.
Rich's dad joined us for the game as well.
Rich and I at John's Pizza.
Patti and Alex. Only two more months to go, Patti!
Me and our niece Destiny.
Patti's boyfriend Dan, who I so lovingly refer to as "Dan-imal".
My sister Christine and her little one Aria.
Kaitlyn, Kyrie and Aria getting ready for the ride to start.
That boy is going to sleep well tonight!
Christine, Me and Jess catching a break from chasing after the kids.
Tiger isn't ONLY talented at golf, but basketball too!

Shea & friends. The night before Aria came to visit, neither Shea nor Aria slept a wink!
Destiny and Jess.
Looks like you guys had fun this weekend. I love the picture of Charlotte and I. Too cute! Have a good week and know that you are loved.
What a great weekend full of family, friends & fun! It does not get better than that! :)
Love, Sarah
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