Sunday, December 13, 2009

The New Adventure...

A week ago, we were asked to take a sibling set of two kids into our home. We gladly accepted the challenge :)
We have a 5 year old boy and a 3 year old girl. They are adjusting well to being with us, but still are very emotional about wanting to go home. Getting to know these little ones, I whole-heartedly agree with CPS's decision to remove them for the time being. They visit with their family often, but for now, everything is "up in the air" as far as how long they will be here, what the reunification plan will be, etc.
Both kids are VERY affectionate and need a lot of reassurance and love. They love to be cuddled and hugged on...which doesn't bother us one bit! :) They are learning their manners and how to talk to people with respect, as well as how to take care of themselves and their bodies (that's a big one). Our biggest challenge is bed time and getting them to fall asleep and stay in bed. It's often a long battle of the wills and makes for some late nights and SUPER early mornings. It's like having a baby all over again!
We are quickly falling in love...

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