Yesterday, Emily and I took the boys out hiking at the levy to take pictures, celebrating the fact that they are both two (well, Logan's birthday is on Sunday)! They had so much fun playing and running together :)

Unfortunately, Zack wasn't in the BEST of moods. He is getting three of his 2-year molars at the same time. Poor lil' guy :(

These two boys have been best friends since they were about a week old. Logan is only nine days younger than Zack...their very first play date was when Logan was only about a week old. I can clearly picture them all bundled up in the pajamas sleeping on a blanket in the middle of the living room floor. I was in the kitchen making sandwiches for my friend Emily, whom I hadn't seen since high school. I was thinking, "We have so much in common! I wonder where our friendship will go..." And here we are, 2 years later, and I thank God every day for her influence in my life. She is one of my dearest friends and I know our relationship was meant to be for a lifetime. I'm so thankful for every moment we've shared together, with and without our children. Love you, Em!

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