Monday, June 29, 2009

Everyone hits a rough patch...

Well, we've reached a point with our "older child" where we find ourselves grasping for new strategies to help us deal with things. I know that everyone hits a rough patch when they are raising children, but this is a ROUGH rough patch to go through. There are several behavioral issues that we are trying to work on...some that I wouldn't expect from our almost two-year-old. He has recently become very angry and resentful towards us and we are doing all we can to assure him that he is still loved and wanted, although sometimes WE even struggle with that, to be perfectly honest. It's so difficult trying to undo all of the "wrongs" he has experienced in his short 8 years of life and convincing him to trust that we are doing everything in HIS best interest.

I'd like to apologize for not being available for a while, and I have to admit that this may continue on for a bit. I feel like most days we struggle ALL DAY just to keep it together. I'm sorry for the birthdays we've forgotten, the parties we couldn't attend, the phone calls and e-mails that went unanswered...

I'm finding myself feeling more and more trapped in my home because he cannot and will not behave elsewhere. So, we go out for a while and he chooses to misbehave, and therefore we have to come home from whatever the function may be.

What's even more difficult is the facade that our "older child" likes to give off...he likes the idea that we are the "perfect family", and pretends as such. However, he doesn't want any of the responsibility of what it means to be part OF a family. So, sometimes when you see us out and about, appearances can be deceiving.

All we ask is that you are patient with us while we work through what we need to. When that happens, let the dinner parties and fun get togethers begin again! :)


The Rameys said...

Praying for you all.

1 Thessalonians

"Every time we think of you, we thank God for you. Day and night you're in our prayers and we call to mind your work of faith, your labor of love, and your patience of hope in following our Master, Jesus Christ, before God our Father. It is clear to us, friends, that God not only loves you very much but also has put his hand on you for something special."

Know that you are loved.

The Abbe Family Journey said...

We are thinking of you all...HUGS!!

Anonymous said...

He is just protecting himself, he is not sure if it is all to good to be true. kids like limits, they don't always show it but he is testing to see if he does something wrong if you will give up on him too! Stay strong, Believe, Hug him, and love each other and god is there loving you back.