Zack turned a year-and-a-half today! We "celebrated" today by taking a trip to Roseville to see his pediatrician for a check-up. While talking with the doctor, he laughed with me as I told him how my sisters and friends tease me for being so "anal" about messiness and he encouraged me to let Zack feed himself more, even if it meant there would be a much bigger mess to clean up (Zack isn't good at using utensils because of me being so uptight). So, tonight, I let down all messy boundaries and let him go for it. He is currently taking a bath with his Daddy. :)
Just doing a little quality control to make sure this Mac'n'Cheese is up to par.
He got the "loading" part down...but when it came to putting it in his mouth, he was more interested in seeing how far he could spread it around his tray.
He soon scooped it all back into the bowl, only to dump it out again.
1 comment:
I'm Josh's sister Stephanie and I am like you and HATE the mess it stress me out but I knew that my son Max had to learn to feed himself so I started him off with these spoons and they worked wonders! The sides are higher so when they scoop it is more likely to stay in and on the spoon and they are soft and flexible. You may have these already but I loved these things. (link below) Max still uses them from time to time though he has mastered this stage! Good luck! :)
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