Zack is going through some changes right now. Not quite sure what's going on, so we're just dealing with him the best way we know how. He hasn't been sleeping well at night, has been cranky during the day and he has not been wanting to nap. Possibly a growth spurt or his molars might be coming in (so the dentist says...although we haven't seen them yet). So, last night, he was so feisty that we decided to throw him in the tub and give him something to occupy his attention...and what's better to occupy his attention than chocolate pudding!?!? It was well-received :) Don't worry, Grandma...it was sugar-free.

"What's-a-matter, Mom? You look like you're about to have a heart attack."

Our most recent nightly routine - - throwing a fit. This is his "I'm going to throw a fit, but Mom knows I'm totally faking it" look.
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