Happy New Year!!!
We had a great New Year's! Every year we have our annual Speakman New Year's party...which basically consists of a few of our closest friends, pizza, booze, games (where the girls kick the guys' butts!) and watching the ball drop on TV. This year was a tad bit different though. We passed around more spit rags and rattles than we did booze! We had three babies here, along with their parents and a few of our other friends. We had a lot of fun playing our DVD trivia games and passing around the babies and playing with them on the floor.
We hit a big milestone last night while everyone was here. Zack was playing on the floor and was rolling onto his side. Steph said, "Oh, before you know it, he's going to be rolling over!" Right after she said that, he rolled over...right onto his tummy! We were all there to see it and we all cheered for him. He liked all the attention and started smiling and laughing. Also, Zack started teething already! I've been thinking for about two weeks now that he was starting to teethe because he's been drooling all over everything and chewing on anything he can get his hands on (including me). Last night, he was pretty fussy, felt a little warm and was really uncomfortable. He kept chewing on the nipple of his bottle and cried every time he bit down. I looked inside his mouth and he had a white, hard bump on the top right of his gums. Heather (a dental hygienist) looked at it and said, "Yup! That's a tooth!" She said it will probably take about a month for it to poke through. Poor little guy! We are now all stocked up on Tylenol, teething tablets, teething rings and baby Oregel. So far, he likes chewing on a washcloth filled with ice the most.
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