So, Zack took his first trip to the ER last night. He was perfectly fine all day, then at about 9:00 pm, I noticed he felt warm. We took his temperature and it was 99.5. I gave him some infant Tylenol in hopes that it would go down, but wasn't concerned. He is teething and I know that low-grade fevers are normal. Then, thirty minutes later, I told Rich that I thought he was getting warmer, so we re-took his temperature and it was 102.2! It had shot up that high in the span of 30 minutes AFTER giving him Tylenol. I called the pediatrician and was instructed to take him to the emergency room immediately. This made me nervous because last year, our nephew Alex had a fever that came on him too quickly and he had a seizure in the car.
We rushed him in and they did a big work-up on him (urinalysis, blood sample, chest x-ray, etc.). Luckily, the fever broke fast and, after a three-hour visit and a shot of antibiotics, we were sent home. We followed up with our primary pediatrician today and she said she thinks he got a little viral infection and wouldn't need any further treatment. She said to keep an eye on him, let him rest and make sure he is eating and eliminating well.
We are so thankful that he is okay! He was such a trooper. He cried when they poked and prodded him, then would calm right down with a little snuggling.
I found him sleeping like this the other day...he sleeps with this silky blanket every night and, this time, he pulled it over his head to block the sunlight during nap time.
Rich was playing with him in his exersaucer the other evening while I was making dinner. Zack started to fuss, so Rich put his paci in his mouth and he fell asleep in the exersaucer! It was the cutest thing :)
We're not quite ready for solid foods yet, but since he has been on rice cereal (in his bottles) for a while, we figured we'd try giving it to him on a spoon, since he's ALMOST ready to start the solids.

It only lasted about 4 spoonfuls worth, then he wasn't happy.
This is the awning we had built on the back of our house. We've only had our house for a year and the yard is still a work in progress. It is hooked up to electrical, so we put a ceiling fan in with lighting...we love it! Tomorrow, we start landscaping!
Here is our dog, Bailey, who refuses to come onto the patio now that there is a covering on it. If you didn't know, she is a little schizophrenic. She has been standing on the side of the house whining to get in all day :) At least after tomorrow, she can stand on the side of the house without having to stand in the mud!
I can't wait to get some patio furniture. I smell a BBQ comin' on!