I don't know what happened when uploading the pictures, but oh well :)
To update you on what's been going on, we went to court on October 5th. The judge signed the papers and termination of parental rights took place. We were able to cancel visitation with Lily's birth parents at that time, but we chose to allow once-per-month visitation instead. Lily now has to be placed in our home for an additional 6 months in order to be free for legal adoption. It's all a process, but it's kind of smooth sailing for a while.
This month has been busy so far! Zack started a pre-school program. The great thing about it is that I am able to attend with him and so is Lily. He seems to love it there and his teacher is so incredibly wonderful with him and helps him with his special behaviors. It's definitely a great environment for him...where he can be himself and I am able to be there to work with him and see his progress firsthand. He is talking so much and comes up with the funniest things sometimes. He is also the master of coming up with excuses to get out of bed at night. The other night, he told me that he needed to "snuggle" a little bit more and, in doing so, proceded to tell me that he wants another baby, but "no more girls". He is so smart and just shocks me with some of the stuff he knows. He was at the jungle gym the other day and I heard him counting to 7 in Spanish! I never taught him that! Too much Dora, I guess :)
As for Rich and I, we went to Bear Valley last weekend, where he competed in a Tough Mudder race. I will post pictures of that tomorrow.
Lily had a wonderful time at her first Celtic Festival! She loved the music and didn't nap all day :) She now has four (very sharp) teeth and is starting to scoot all over the place. She's showing to have quite the temper at times, but most often has the sweetest spirit. She growls like a dinosaur, which is so funny to hear coming from a baby girl that looks so sweet. She likes to scoot on the floor and try to wreck Zack's train tracks, which makes him pretty pissy, but he is quick to forgive and move on once we move her away. And, as for Rich, you should SEE the way she looks at him. Daddy comes in the room and she follows his every move, all the while with a huge smile on her face. When Momma comes in the room she cries, thinking she needs my undivided attention all of the time. :) She is such a joy!

Mom and all of the grandkids, minus 5