On Saturday, a friend from Rich's work had his 30th birthday party in Valley Springs...80's theme. Here are our costumes (notice the Madonna glove and mole?). We had a great time, then had a reservation to stay at the Raddison in Sacramento while Zack had a slumber party at Uncle Clint and Auntie Tara's.

My handsome husband.
Heading down to breakfast at Basil's By The Lake

This mama goose was so funny! It was like she was putting on a show for us with her kids - - she kept lining them up on display whenever I would bring out the camera. The babies were adorable!

I also loved how the two geese kept the babies between them almost all the time.

The ducks kept waiving their butts in the air while they dove for food...like watching
synchronized swimming :)

The fountain on the lake at the
Raddison...our balcony overlooked the lake.

This was my favorite shot of the day because it wasn't posed, even though it looks like he was posing.

The pond in the park behind the state capital.
The Peace Officer's Memorial
The state capital in Sac.

Statues of the saints at the cathedral.