Friday, April 2, 2010


This past week, we took a family trip to Monterey. Rich was participating in a Mud Run (5 miles), which was put on by the Army. We did take the baby with us and took some sweet pictures with her, but I won't be posting those online. Rich did a great job at his race and we spent the rest of our time playing and finding fun things to do.

Poor Zacky missed out on his naps (sometimes by choice), so he passed out at the dinner table one night.

Fiesta!?!?! I say, "SIESTA!"

We spent the good part of an afternoon at the Monterey Bay Aquarium. I had never been, so I was just as excited at Zack was!

"Oooh, Daddy! Look at the UGLY fish!"

We also went to the beach near Carmel.

We also went to the Dennis the Menace Park in Monterey. They had a huge steam engine there. Zack was in HEAVEN!

Dressed up as a fireman at the great Kid's Museum we found.

"Wait a don't let me jump on the bed at HOME!"

My handsome husband running his hiny off!

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