Thursday, December 24, 2009

Santa on the Fire Engine...

Our first picture as a family of 5. I LOVE these kids!

Last week, my sister Christine and some of her family came to visit us from Oregon :)

My sisters Colleen and Patti

Waiting for Santa to come on the fire engine at Grandma Sally's house on Christmas Eve.

Our feisty three-year-old.

Zack, scarfing down his candy cane from Santa.

The love of my life...

Our most beautiful gift of all...

Lots of the grandkids came to Grandma's to see Santa!

Not too sure about the hairy guy that brought him candy (Santa)...

Me and all of the kids with Santa.
Our new kids informed me today that Santa has never come to their house before, so I think they will be in for a surprise in the morning when they see all of the presents under the tree and the stockings filled with treats. I feel so blessed to be able to share the true meaning of Christmas with these children, as they do not know who Jesus is. To hear them thank God for their food before every meal just melts my heart. We are so blessed.
We hope you all have a beautiful Christmas. We will be updating the blog soon with more pictures!

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