Monday, January 18, 2010

More phone pics...

Shea stayed the night the other night. Zack had fun snuggling up with her to eat some popcorn and watch a movie.

On Saturday, Heather and I took the kids to the Buttes to play.

A craft I did with the kids a few weeks ago.

Showing off when Gramma Sally came over for dinner.

Our little girl and Zack...the only time they are being nice to each other :)

All of the kids at Colleen's house having some breakfast. I love that two of ours are holding hands :)

We took a trip out to see Cal and Evvy about a week ago.

Evvy...6 weeks old.

Isn't she beautiful!?!?!?

The Nunes Family...

This last week, I went out with The Nunes family to take some pictures before Meagan had to go back to college. This is such an amazing family!

January Videos...


Oh...the dreaded haircut! Although we give Zack a haircut EVERY MONTH, he still, as my sister would say, flips his Twinkies every single dang time! We actually call and notify our neighbor before we begin, that way we don't get CPS called on us :) He kept telling Rich, "My try! My try!" Rich let him "practice" cutting his hair. In the end, I ended up having to cut Rich's hair too. What a good Daddy.

I'm just astounded by how sweet this little boy is! Before bed, I always rock all three of the kids after book time, then Zack helps me sing songs to get everyone ready for bed. I just couldn't resist getting this on camera...

Monday, January 4, 2010

Phone pics...

Someone FINALLY got a haircut!

Wearing their new jammies on Christmas Eve :)

Friday, January 1, 2010

Christmas 2009...

Christmas at the Speakman house was amazing this year! We had such a good time watching the kids open their presents and introducing our new kids to the world of Santa and the history behind why we celebrate Christmas. Our 5 year old thought Jesus was our neighbor Rick that lives next door :)
I have to be quite honest...Christmas was tight this year. We budget our money carefully and are responsible with the income we have, but with the addition of two children to our home just two weeks before Christmas, we were a little nervous about how we could swing it. When the kids came to us, they come with VERY little, and most of the items they did come with needed to be discarded (i.e. ratty clothes, no hygiene items, one pair of shoes, no toys, etc. Our little girl is in a 6x size and she came with 24 month clothes!). We do get a small reimbursement from the foster agency, but anything that is needed immediately comes out of pocket...and these kids needed a lot. We got the kids two weeks before Christmas, so...let's just say, things got REALLY tight!
The reason I tell you this is because Christmas is not about the gifts and the wrapping paper and bows. It's not about the big ticket items or shiny new toys. It's about celebrating the life of Jesus and all he has done to bless our lives. This Christmas, we didn't have much to offer but a warm, safe home for these sweet babies to stay in and a few pairs of loving arms to wrap around them to assure them that they would be okay. They didn't know who Jesus was, but were quickly surrounded by people who were willing to show them His loving and caring nature. Here is where you come in...
We were able to get the kids a few toys and new clothes, but the majority of their gifts for Christmas were given to us by some very special people. We had a stranger purchase them each an outfit, Rich was receiving bags of donated clothes and toys (some brand new) on his desk at work, friends brought over items new and used that they knew we would need. They got new books, toys, dolls, a train set, a play kitchen set, new clothes, new pajamas, games, coloring books, bath toys, etc. ALL from people who wanted to just share some love with a few little kids who needed it. That is why these pictures are so important to me. They represent the generous and caring hearts of our friends, family and strangers that reached out to "our" kids when they needed to feel the comforts of "home". Every time I see one of them use (or wear) and item that they were given, I remember the person who gave that gift and thank God for them!
To all of you who made their Christmas possible, we thank you. You will always be remembered in our prayers. You know who you are.
P.S. Just a visual for you of how appreciative these children are...
They received new pajamas from Auntie Heather for Christmas. When they pulled them out of the package, our little boy (5) said, "Smell them! They clean! Can I put them on now!?!?!?!" :)

Seeing the presents under the tree for the first their new pajamas!

Zack was equally excited :)

Uhhhh...I think he likes it!

I've never seen kids so excited to receive clothes for Christmas! Usually kids will open the clothes, toss them over their shoulder and keep digging in the gifts until they find a toy. :)

"Holy moly! A Dora doll!"

A friend of ours recently had a baby (Mia), so Zack calls this baby, "Baby Mia". It's so cute to see him want to care for this baby doll! He tells her, "Eat time, Baby Mia! Uh-oh, Mommy! Baby Mia burped! Ew!"

Maybe baby Mia had gas?

"Good girl...drinking..."