Just a funny / sweet little conversation I had with our 8 year old the other day. In order to keep some kind of sanity in the house, I have been letting AM watch a movie during Zack's nap time (it's about the only thing that will keep him quiet for any length of time). I was in the check-out at Target the other day and saw Milo and Otis on the shelf and remembered loving it as a kid. You know, the movie about the little pug dog and the orange cat? So, I threw it in the cart.
So, the other day, I popped the movie in and secretly got a little nostalgic excitement over being able to share it with AM. As the movie went on, I realized I remembered nothing about the movie. It had been such a long time since I had seen it that it was like seeing it for the first time again.
Keep in mind, that AM may be 8, but he has had a lot of "different" life experience than the typical 8 year old. His CPS worker actually said, "It's like he's from Mars!", meaning that he doesn't understand simple things that "typical" kids do. He thinks the waves in the ocean are "waterfalls". He didn't know what a hair brush was and was fascinated when he saw one for the first time. He truly thinks a cow can "jump over the moon"...if it's a "really strong cow". He thought sharks or sea lions would make their way from the ocean to our camp site in the woods to eat us in our tent. He thought you have to dig in "dirt" at the camp site to get sea shells. I guess the only way we could explain it is that he is, in many ways, like dealing with a 4 or 5 year old...as far as normal life experience, temperament, social ability, fears, etc.
So, onto the funny part. We are watching Milo and Otis and, as I'm watching, I realize that a very difficult conversation is about to happen between me and AM.
AM: "Mom! What is WRONG with that DOG!?!?!?!"
Me: "Nothing, honey. She's getting ready to have puppies."
AM: "Mom! That cat looks like she's dying! What's WRONG with her!?!?!"
Me: "It's okay, AM. She's getting ready to have kittens. Isn't that cool?"
(Of course, thinking that by throwing the "isn't that cool?" statement out there would smooth it all over and he'd forget about asking more questions...yeah right.)
AM: "Mom...I really think she's really dying."
AM: "Mom! Oh my GOD! What is going ON!?!?!? What IS that!??!?! That is SO GROSS!"
(Yes, Milo and Otis show the LIVE birth, up close, of kittens and puppies...parents beware.)
Me: "It's okay, honey. This is how puppies and kittens are born. See? The momma cat and the momma doggie are just fine and now they have their babies!"
(The animal moms start to lick the nasty slimy-ness off of their babies.)
AM: "THAT is a puppy? It's all slimy and gross!....and SHE'S LICKING HIM! Oh my God."
Me: "Well, that's how they get clean."
AM: "So when is the puppy and the kitten going to lay their eggs then? I don't get it..."
*End of conversation*
You know, although this is a tough situation, there are some sweet moments that I will always cherish about having him with us. Like the other night when Rich and I were going to be leaving him with a sitter for the first time so that we could go out for a few hours. He said, out of no where, "Mom...I think you deserve to go out. You work hard for me and Zack. It's okay with me that you go out tonight." I thought that was very sweet...then I thought it was funny that HE thought I needed HIS permission! :)
Then, this morning, he told me, "Mom, I think you really do have the most beautiful voice." Now, I DO have a voice that is similar to Celine Dion (with a possible chicken bone stuck in her throat, but still!), but to have him tell me that he LIKES to hear me sing and that it doesn't make his ears bleed...that's sweet.
When he finished his two weeks of swimming lessons, although he still can't really swim, he sat next to me in the car on the way home, beaming from ear to ear and said, "Mom, I really do feel like a champion swimmer. *sigh*"
Also, he recently received letters from him biological mom. He decided he wanted to dictate a letter to me and write her back. At the end of the letter he asked if he could add one more thing. He said, "Write, 'I think I'm gonna be here until I'm 18, and, mom, I'm okay with that.'"