Monday, March 30, 2009

Since Rich has a 4-day weekend, we decided to take Zack to the Sacramento Zoo on Saturday. It was such a beautiful day!

Random pic. of the Buttes

Saturday, March 28, 2009


Last night, we let Zack play naked with the hose in the backyard. He had so much fun running around with Bailey (the dog).

This past weekend, my sister Christine and her family were in town from Oregon. Here are some pics. from their visit.

Nieces and nephews at John's Incredible Pizza (AJ, Shea, Aria, Kaitlyn and Kyrie)


Grandma and Alex

Maddie on the merry-go-round

Maddie and Zack ready for some pizza!

My nephew Greyson

My niece Aria

Thursday, March 26, 2009


We heard back from our foster agency social worker today. As of today, he is finished with his report on our family and is just waiting for his boss to approve and sign it. Once the ink is on the paper, we will be added to the agency's list for placements! The wait is on now...any day! Please pray for us, that we will make the right choices for our family.

Also, we have a few friends that have been going through infertility that have had some fertility treatments done in the past few weeks. Please be praying that all is healthy and safe for them and that God gives them a sense of please during this uncertain time.