Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Play ball!...

Here's a video of Rich and Zack playing ball tonight while I was washing dishes:

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Such a HAM!...

A few funny things happened today and I thought I'd share...
First of all, Rich has been off of work since Thursday for a long weekend. Ever since he's been home, I've been hounding him about the fact that he keeps leaving the child locks on the stove burner knobs open. "Honey! We put the child locks on the knobs for a reason...because Zack knows how to turn the gas on! What's the point of us even buying the dang things if you're going to leave them open every single time you decide to use the stove?!?!? Blah blah blah..." He denied it every time, but in the end, always conceded like the sweet husband he is and apologized for being negligent. So, while I was making dinner tonight, with Zack under foot doing anything and everything he possibly could to get my attention, I look to my left and he's pulling all of my kitchen towels out of the drawer. I look to my right and...that's right...he's opening the child locks on the stove and turning the knob to the stove to the "on" position. Talk about having an engineer's mind.
Secondly, I went to have coffee with some friends today and when I got back, my dear sweet husband had a surprise for me. He said, "Zacky, show Mommy what you learned!" With that, Rich yells, "Spring break! Woohoo!", and our 17 month old son squeals with excitement, lifts up his shirt and shows me his "boobies". Thank you, Rich. I can't wait until Zack is 17 YEARS old...wonder what you'll teach him then!

Saturday, February 14, 2009

HUGE DAY!!!...

Today is a HUGE day for us. Not just because it's Valentine's Day and it's a day to share our love with those around us, BUT today marks the three year mark for my being in remission from ovarian cancer!!! How cool is that!?!?! Three years ago today, I spent my Valentine's Day with Richard Maddalena as I went in for surgery. Three years ago today, our lives were hugely changed by the outcome...for the better. My eyes were opened to a whole new, much more fragile life that I had taken for granted so many times before. God has led us down a scary and rocky path, only to come out feeling stronger and more loved than ever before. He knew who we'd pick up along that path...and we are forever grateful...

Monday, February 2, 2009

Look Who's Talking...

After having a conversation with a friend the other day, I decided I should jot down some of the things Zack is saying so that I won't look back at this time in his life and have no idea what he could/couldn't say. He is 16 months and 3 weeks now and I'm surprised every day with the things that come out of his mouth. I think it's, in part, due to the fact that he's around his older nieces and nephews quite a bit. He is turning into quite the parrot! Here is a list of the things he can say, or at least we've heard him say at least twice (I'll put clarity on the words he says in his own Zacky way). Most of the things that come out of his mouth consist of gibberish and giggles, but when clear words come out of his mouth, he sure knows what they mean!

Daddy / Dadda
Mommy / Momma / Mom
Oh yeah!
Oh wow!
Oh Mom!
Oh Gosh! = Oh Gaaaaw!
Nummies = food
Uh-numma-numma-numma = food...the kid likes to eat!
Oooh-oooh...ahh-ahh = monkey sound
My Mama!
Bailey = Bay
Please = Peace
Grandma = G'ma
Kitty = Key
Mouth = Mow
Fan = Faaaa
Light = Ligh
Cup = Bup
Cal (Calvin) = Aaaaal
Car = Cah
Ball = Bah
Book = Booh
Up = Bup
Block = Bock
Banana = Nanana

Now, speaking of "little kid speak", here are two funny conversations that I had with my (shall remain nameless, but you'd be able to figure it out if you've ever met him!) nephew.

Nephew: Hey, Auntie Karyn...you know, when you go pee-pee in the potty, you have to be REALLY careful when you pull up your pants.

Me: Oh yeah? Why's that?

Nephew: 'Cause I saw this movie this one time where this one guy pulled up HIS pants after going pee-pee in the potty and he got his penis stuck in his zipper!

Me: Uh-oh....well, thank you for letting me know, but honey, if you feel the need to talk about penises, we shouldn't do it at the table at a restaurant, okay? We need to do that at home in private.

Nephew: Uh! Oh, okay.

(Apparently, his mom turned on the TV the other day and, before she could change the channel, he got a sneak peak of the movie "Something About Mary". Oops!)

Me (to a friend we were shopping with): Hey, that's a cute bra over there.

Nephew: Yeah, my mom wears those things. She has lots of 'em. But, my DAD'S the one with the REALLY big nipples.

Friend: (Makes a b-line for the women's clothes area and is doubled-over, uncontrollably laughing)

Me: Sweetie, remember the conversation we had at the restaurant about penises?

Nephew: Yeah.

Me: This is the same kind of thing. Let's not talk about nipples unless we're at home in private, okay?

Nephew: Yeah, alright. Can we go to the toy isle?