Thursday, August 28, 2008

It just hit me...

I had a huge revelation today. I have officially become a "mom". I know that I've been a mom for almost a year now, but hear me out. I was thinking this morning and observing some things about my daily life that completely snuck up on me...then I realized just how much my life, and I as a person, have changed since Zack was born. Here are a few things that made me realize just how much of a "mom" I have become:

1. While getting ready to leave the house this morning, I pulled on a pair of jeans and found a Cheerio in my pocket. Don't ask me how it got there. On top of that, I found my kitchen towel and three of Rich's hats in the bath tub, a black high heel in the trash can and a wooden block under my bed sheets.

2. I had decided to go to the mall to walk around for a bit (too hot to do anything outside). I looked at myself in the mirror before leaving and I had no makeup on and was wearing a t-shirt that said "" on it...knowing that I had picked that shirt over all others because it was less likely to show food that Zack would more than likely smear on me or throw at me in the course of our outing.
3. A few sentences that I have said more times than I could count: "Stop throwing Tupperware at the dog!" , "Now what did you put in your mouth?!?!?" and, "Where are you? You're being too quiet!" I think I'm turning into my mother - - not that there's anything wrong with that!

4. The first things I thought when waking up this morning were:
-"He's up already?"
-"He sounds so sweet babbling over the monitor."
-"Where the hell is the coffee?"

5. I had to call my friend at work yesterday to apologize for my son biting her son. I now refer to Zack as "Count Dracula".

6. I actually PRAY for nap time.

7. I know that before I climb into bed at night, I have to sneak in his room one last time and capture the sweet, but rare, moments when he is quiet and still and tell him I love him one more time...and then I will pray that God will let us do it all over again tomorrow.

I'm getting better about him being a mess. Give me time.

Every time I put Bailey out to go potty, he sits at the door and waits for her to come back in. He loves his side-kick!

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Keeping us busy...

Here are a few pictures from this last week. Zack seems to have turned from "baby" to "toddler" overnight. One night I put him to bed, and the next morning he was like a tornado in the house destroying everything in his path :) Long gone are the days of quietly playing with a rattle in the corner of the room (ha! like he's EVER been "quiet"!). Now, he chases me through the house, throws building blocks at the dog, hides my kitchen towels in his toy chest, throws a tantrum when he realizes I'm eating something and not sharing with him, quickly unrolls the toilet paper roll as I'm dragging him out of our bathroom, and secretly feeds Bailey the food off of his tray when I'm not watching. His new favorite game is "Where's Mommy?". I put him down and quickly run to another room. While he comes running and screaming at the top of his lungs, I say, "Zaaaaack! Where's Mommy???". He listens for where my voice is coming from and quickly runs to find me. He falls down and doubles over in laughter every time I say, "You found me! Yay!" I think I have just as much fun as he does with this game!

Zack and Cristian in their matching outfits.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Sick, sick, sick...

All of us Speakmans are sick with a nasty cold - - it all started with Zack - - and, therefore, I am taking this down-time to post a bunch of pictures from the last two weeks.
Baby Calvin came to stay the night with us a few weekends ago.

With the hot weather, we took the opportunity to let the boys swim in the baby pool in the backyard.

Clint, Cal, Zack and Kasey

The next day, we took Zack and Kyrie to the Yuba-Sutter Fair, however, we didn't stay long because of the heat.

Zack really enjoyed checking out the goats at the fair.

More pool time fun!

Zack and his side-kick, Bailey.

Since Steph went back to work, I have been watching Cristian until she gets home. Zack has fun with him, but they are both having a hard time adjusting to the fact that they have to share. As you can see, Zack is having a harder time than Cristian :)

He is walking everywhere now! The only good thing (for now) about him walking, is that he walks slower than he crawls, so he's easier to keep up with (like I said...for now!).

Zack and Cristian watching their Baby Einstein video.

Saturday, we went to the annual Luau at our friend Chrissy's house. My sister Colleen and Tony were there too.

Chrissy and her boyfriend Chris.

Heather and Barnes were there!

At this point, I think Rich had a few too many Hawaiian cocktails :)

Friday, August 8, 2008

8 years...

As of today, Rich and I have officially been together for 8 years. Today, I am reminded of why I love him...and just how deeply I love him, for that matter. He has made so many things possible in my life. I never knew life could be so enjoyable until I met him. He loves me unconditionally, he supports me in anything I wish to pursue, he encourages me when I need encouragement, he works hard and is dedicated to our family so that I may stay home with our son, he reminds me not to take life too seriously, he is an incredible father to our son, and he even does the laundry!...what more could I ask for?
Way back in 2000

October of 2000. We took our first trip to San Francisco.

Somehow, we even made it into the Sacramento Bee :) We were walking in Old Sac., sharing an ice cream cone, when a reporter came up to us and said, "I've been sitting here all day waiting for the perfect shot....I think I got it."

Tahoe 2007

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Full speed ahead!...

Since Steph went back to work yesterday after her summer break, I started watching Cristian more regularly. Cristian (in the red shirt in the video) is 6 weeks and 1 day younger than Zack, but is much less fearful of letting go of things and walking / standing on his own. Since Zack was able to watch Cristian show off his skills yesterday, he has been trying to master the art of walking as well. After I took this video, they both walked at least 6 feet from one piece of furniture to another! Excuse the messy living room - - that's what happens when you have two baby boys all day! (Please remember to pause the music player before playing the video)