Thursday, February 28, 2008

"I love my books!"...

We've found that Zack absolutely loves his books! He is mesmerized by them and can look at them for a long time, turning the pages on his own, all the while ignoring everything else around him.

He realized that they tasted good too.

"I'm almost 6 months old!"

He played with this book for about 30 minutes. I tried to take this one away and switch it for another and he started crying until I gave it back. Good pick, Auntie Stacy!

Last week, Zack's friend Logan came over to play while his mommy worked. Zack was so surprised when he woke up and Logan was there to greet him.

"I didn't even have a chance to do my hair!"

Last week, Auntie Kate watched Zack while I had my hair appointment...then we went out to dinner. The baby had so much fun with his Auntie. Thank you Kate for taking such good care of him so I could get a little pampering. I love you!

"My Auntie loves me."

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Goodbye Toyota...

So many changes have happened this past year...what's one more? Rich has left his job at Toyota to pursue a new job for Sacramento/Yolo County. He will be working for the Vector Control, where they observe farm land and help to control the vector (mosquito, etc.) population by spraying chemicals and planting fish. He is looking forward to the change, as he will now be working outdoors, getting dirty and riding a quad runner for the majority of his days. This change in position will mean MUCH more time at home (with the exception of their busy season, which is approaching), weekends and holidays off and a retirement plan.
Although he loved his job and will miss his friends at Toyota, this job change was necessary for him and our family and I support him whole-heartedly in his decision. He feels truly blessed to have had this opportunity.
Toyota Crew: Don't worry...I will still bake for you :)
We wanted to celebrate Rich's new job by going out to dinner, but the baby wasn't feeling well, so we had dinner sent to us! We found this great new company called All Good Eats ( that will pick up your dinner for you at local restaurants for a very low cost and will deliver it hot to your door. We had a nice picnic in our living room. This company is so awesome that, when they found out it was a special occasion we were celebrating, they gave us candles, candle holders and a bag of chocolate! I definitely recommend them.

Monday, February 18, 2008

Johnny Jumper...

We're finding that it's quite fitting that we decorated Zack's room in frogs. He LOVES to jump when you hold him on your lap, so Rich and I decided to buy him a Johnny Jumper. He was a pro! We couldn't stop laughing at how much he enjoyed it!

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Weekend with the Hedley kids...

Rich and I had our niece and nephews this weekend (AJ 9, Shea 5, and Alex 3) while their parents went to Reno for some couple time. Rich had the day off yesterday, so we spent the day at Bidwell. It was Zack's first trip, so it was extra special for us. Bidwell holds a special place in our hearts - - it's where Rich proposed to me 7 years ago and we also have fond memories of playing in the river with Zack's birthmom, Jess, while she was still pregnant with Zack.

Alex insisted on being in the picture too :) Zack just wanted to grab Alex's hair.

Shea took this picture.

He had SO much fun looking at all of the new things around him.

We ended the evening with watching a movie that Uncle Rich rented for the kids.

Our psycho dog Bailey is starting to really enjoy having the kids come play with her.

We woke up early in the morning to watch cartoons in bed.

Saturday, February 16, 2008

"So in love" dinner party...

In honor of Valentine's Day, we had some of our "couples" friends over for a candlelit dinner. We had so much fun and it felt good to be able to celebrate the relationships of our closest friends.

Herb & Emily

Chrissy & Chris -- we were so lucky to have Chris in town this week! He was visiting from Wisconsin.

Time for Scene It Trivia!

Barnes and Heather (can't wait for the wedding!!!)

Steph and Luis

Aren't they cute?!?!?!

Everyone was dressed so nice!

Chris, we're anxiously waiting for you to move to California!

I love you SO much!