So many changes have happened this past year...what's one more? Rich has left his job at Toyota to pursue a new job for Sacramento/Yolo County. He will be working for the Vector Control, where they observe farm land and help to control the vector (mosquito, etc.) population by spraying chemicals and planting fish. He is looking forward to the change, as he will now be working outdoors, getting dirty and riding a quad runner for the majority of his days. This change in position will mean MUCH more time at home (with the exception of their busy season, which is approaching), weekends and holidays off and a retirement plan.
Although he loved his job and will miss his friends at Toyota, this job change was necessary for him and our family and I support him whole-heartedly in his decision. He feels truly blessed to have had this opportunity.
Toyota Crew: Don't worry...I will still bake for you :)
We wanted to celebrate Rich's new job by going out to dinner, but the baby wasn't feeling well, so we had dinner sent to us! We found this great new company called All Good Eats ( that will pick up your dinner for you at local restaurants for a very low cost and will deliver it hot to your door. We had a nice picnic in our living room. This company is so awesome that, when they found out it was a special occasion we were celebrating, they gave us candles, candle holders and a bag of chocolate! I definitely recommend them.